IRIS 42: Information and Research Instruction Suite for two-year colleges

Call Number Main Classes

Side-by-side comparison

The charts below shows the very broadest level of the codes, or main classes, that call numbers start with. (Don't memorize these. Your library has posters and flyers to remind you what the codes stand for.)

The great thing about both systems is that once you find one book on your topic, other books on the same topic or similar topics will be in the same area. So browse away!

  Library of Congress
Main Classes
A General Works
B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
C Auxiliary Sciences of History
D History, General and old World
E-F History, America
G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
H Social Sciences
J Political Science
K Law
L Education
M Music and Books on Music
N Fine Arts
P Language and Literature
Q Science
R Medicine
S Agriculture
T Technology
V Military Science
z Bibliography. Library Science
  Dewey Decimal
Main Classes
000 General Knowledge
100 Psychology and Philosophy
200 Religions and Mythology
300 Social Sciences and Folklore
400 Languages and Grammar
500 Math and Science
600 Medicine and Technology
700 Arts and Recreation
800 Literature
900 Geography and History
Literature in P? Social Sciences in H? Medicine in R? What does 700 have to do with Art? The letters and numbers are just codes. Use handouts or charts to guide you.


Of course, these are the simplified lists. Both systems allow for much more detail. Here's a more complete look at the Library of Congress Classification.

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