More Creative Commons licenses:
Attribution-Noncommercial - People can copy your works and build derivative works. They must acknowledge your original authorship, and they cannot sell the results.
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike - People can copy your works and build derivative works. They must acknowledge your original authorship, they cannot sell the results, and they must apply a creative commons license to any work they create that is based on yours.
Attribution-Noncommercial-No derivatives - People can copy your works, but they must not change or edit it in any way, they cannot sell it, and they must acknowledge your original authorship.
For more on Creative Commons licenses, go here:
Do people really use Creative Commons licenses? Visit Open Book Publishers at to see one publisher who is making electronic copies of their books available to the public online.
Or better yet, read one of the books they've published: Privilege and property: Essays on the History of Copyright
Here's a demonstration of how to create a Creative Commons License.
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