Solving the Copyright Mystery Post-test
Put your detective skills to work and solve these copyright questions. If you answer all of the questions correctly, you will earn a certificate. If you score less than 100% you can retake the quiz, print out the results, or email them to your instructor.
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1. Copyright is intended to:
A. Promote the progress of science
B. Ensure that creators are repaid for their efforts
C. Allow creators the exclusive initial right to profit from their work
D. All of these
2. According to “Fair Use” guidelines, students can include a movie clip that is 5 minutes in length in for a class presentation without getting permission from the copyright owner.
A. True
B. False
3. A simple internet search will find Creative Commons licensed works.
A. True
B. False
4. Videos may be shown in the classroom as long as they:
A. Are shown as a part of the instruction
B. Are shown by the instructor/presenter
C. Are shown only to members of the class
D. All of these
5. You own the copyright for whatever you produce - no exceptions.
A. True
B. False
6. Weighing the three factors of copyright will tell you if your use is Fair Use or not.
A. True
B. False
7. Which of these factors need not be weighed when determining if a use is Fair Use:
A. The amount of the work used
B. Whether the work is created in the US or abroad
C. The effect of the use upon the potential market
D. The nature of the work
8. The idea of copyright was developed in the 1900's, as a result of pressure from the new movie industry.
A. True
B. False
9. Copyright is mentioned in:
A. The US Constitution
B. The Bill of Rights
C. The Declaration of Independence
D. All of these
10. It is acceptable to email a request for permission to use a work.
A. True
B. False
11. Works in the Public Domain include:
A. Books published before 1953.
B. Everything created before 1923.
C. Books and movies created before 1945.
D. Everything published on the internet.
12. Ideas can't be copyrighted.
A. True
B. False
13. Copyright covers:
A. Books
B. Software
C. Lecture notes
D. All of these
14. I can create a product using images I found on Google, and sell it without worrying about copyright. The images on the internet are in the public domain.
A. True
B. False
15. If you are found guilty of copyright infringement, damages can include:
A. Monetary damages
B. Monetary damages and confiscation of the work
C. Monetary damages, confiscation of work and imprisonment
D. Monetary damages, confiscation of work, imprisonment and loss of own personal un-related copyrights