How Does Copyright Affect What You Do?
For Faculty: Using Materials Taped from Television in the Classroom

And there are additional requirements:
- The program has to be from one of the commercial networks. If it's from a cable channel, you can't use it.
- You have to show it within 10 days of the time the program aired.
- You can only show it twice in the same class.
- You have to include the copyright notice in the broadcast.
- After 45 days you should get rid of the recording, unless the program allows extended retention rights.
If you want to keep using that television program, you have two alternatives:
- Get permission from the copyright holder.
- Buy a copy of the program. Then it falls under the heading of a commercially produced video, and you can use it as often as you like.
Next,learn more about how to legally use materials from the web.
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